Elliptical Vs Treadmill For Fat Loss: Get The Main Difference In 2024

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When it comes to fat loss, the debate between using an elliptical or a treadmill continues to divide fitness enthusiasts. While both machines offer cardiovascular benefits, it’s crucial to understand their differences and how they affect weight loss. So, let’s dive in and explore the pros and cons of the elliptical and treadmill for fat loss.

The elliptical machine gained popularity in the late 1990s and has since become a staple in many gyms. This low-impact cardio option provides a full-body workout, engaging both the upper and lower body simultaneously. In fact, according to a study published in the Journal of Sports Science & Medicine, the elliptical machine can burn around 270-400 calories in just 30 minutes, making it an effective tool for weight loss. On the other hand, treadmills have been a mainstay in gyms for decades. They offer a higher intensity workout, as running or jogging on a treadmill engages more muscles and can burn more calories in a shorter amount of time. Both machines have their merits, and the choice ultimately depends on personal preference and fitness goals.

Comparing Elliptical Vs Treadmill for Fat Loss

The debate between using an elliptical machine or a treadmill for fat loss has been a topic of discussion among fitness enthusiasts. Both machines offer great cardiovascular workouts and can contribute to weight loss, but they have their differences. In this article, we will compare the key features, user experience, pros and cons, and price points of elliptical machines and treadmills to help you make an informed decision on which is better for fat loss.

Overview of Elliptical Machines

Elliptical machines, also known as cross trainers, are low-impact cardiovascular exercise machines that simulate walking, jogging, or running. They have pedals that you stand on and movable handles that work your upper body as well. Ellipticals offer a smooth and fluid motion, making them gentle on the joints while providing an effective workout.

One of the main benefits of using an elliptical machine for fat loss is that it engages multiple muscle groups simultaneously. This helps to increase calorie burn and improve overall muscle tone. Ellipticals also allow you to adjust the resistance and incline levels, allowing for a customizable workout that can be tailored to your fitness level and goals.

Additionally, ellipticals have built-in workout programs that can challenge you with different intensities and goals. They also come equipped with heart rate monitoring, which can be used for more effective fat-burning workouts by staying within your target heart rate zone.

Overview of Treadmills

Treadmills are one of the most popular fitness machines that simulate walking, jogging, or running in an indoor setting. They have a moving belt that you walk on and typically come with various speed and incline options. Treadmills provide a weight-bearing exercise that can strengthen bones and muscles while working on your cardiovascular fitness.

When it comes to fat loss, treadmills offer a more intense workout compared to ellipticals. The ability to run or sprint on a treadmill allows you to burn more calories in the same amount of time. Treadmills also provide a great opportunity for interval training, which is known to be highly effective for fat loss.

In addition, treadmills often come with pre-set workout programs that can help you reach your fat loss goals. You can also manually adjust the speed and incline level to increase the intensity of your workouts. Some treadmills even offer features like a cushioned deck to reduce impact on joints and a large running surface for added comfort.

Key Features Compared

Now let’s dive into the key features and compare elliptical machines and treadmills for fat loss.

Resistance and Incline Levels

Elliptical machines offer adjustable resistance levels, allowing you to increase or decrease the intensity of your workout. Some models also have adjustable incline levels, which can further challenge your muscles and increase calorie burn. On the other hand, treadmills offer adjustable speed and incline levels, providing a more versatile range of workout options.

Impact on Joints

One of the main reasons people choose ellipticals over treadmills is their low-impact nature. The elliptical motion of the machine reduces stress on the joints, making it a suitable option for individuals with joint pain or injuries. Treadmills, on the other hand, are a weight-bearing exercise, which means they can put more impact on the joints, especially if you run or sprint.

Calorie Burn

Treadmills have the advantage when it comes to calorie burn. Running or sprinting on a treadmill can burn more calories compared to using an elliptical machine. The high impact and weight-bearing nature of treadmill workouts contribute to higher energy expenditure. However, the difference in calorie burn might not be significant if you’re using the elliptical machine at high resistance levels or inclines.

Upper Body Engagement

Elliptical machines engage the muscles in both the upper and lower body. The movable handles allow you to work your arms, shoulders, and back along with your legs. Treadmills primarily focus on lower body workouts, although you can incorporate some upper body movements if you choose to. If you’re looking for a full-body workout, ellipticals are the better option.

Variety of Workouts

Both elliptical machines and treadmills come with pre-set workout programs to keep your workouts interesting and challenging. Ellipticals often have more variety in terms of training programs, including interval training, hill climbs, and target heart rate workouts. Treadmills offer similar options but may have additional features like virtual training and access to online workout libraries.

User Experience

The user experience of using an elliptical machine or a treadmill can vary based on personal preferences and fitness goals.

Elliptical Machine Experience

Many users find elliptical machines to be comfortable and smooth, thanks to their low-impact design. The elliptical motion allows for a continuous rhythmic motion that can be easier on the joints compared to the repetitive impact of running on a treadmill. Some people may find the upper body engagement of an elliptical machine to be a bonus, as it allows for a more complete full-body workout.

Treadmill Experience

Running or walking on a treadmill can provide a more dynamic and challenging experience. The ability to control the speed and incline levels allows for a wide range of workout intensities and variations. However, the impact on joints can be a concern for some individuals, especially those with existing joint issues. Treadmills also provide the opportunity for indoor running, which can be beneficial for those who prefer running outdoors.

Pros and Cons

Here is a list of pros and cons for both elliptical machines and treadmills:

Elliptical Machines

  • Pros:
    • Low-impact and gentle on joints
    • Engages multiple muscle groups
    • Customizable workouts with adjustable resistance and incline levels
    • Built-in workout programs and heart rate monitoring
    • Full-body workout with upper body engagement
  • Cons:
    • May not provide as intense of a calorie burn compared to treadmills
    • Less variety in terms of workout options
    • Some users may not enjoy the elliptical motion


  • Pros:
    • Allows for higher calorie burn, especially with running or sprinting
    • Versatile workout options with adjustable speed and incline levels
    • Pre-set workout programs and additional features like virtual training
    • Opportunity for indoor running
    • Suitable for interval training
  • Cons:
    • Higher impact on joints
    • Less upper body engagement compared to ellipticals
    • May be less comfortable for some users

Price Comparison

The price of elliptical machines and treadmills can vary depending on the brand, features, and quality. In general, treadmills tend to be more expensive compared to ellipticals. Entry-level models for both machines can range from $500 to $1,000, while higher-end models can cost over $2,000. It’s important to consider your budget and the features you value the most when making a purchasing decision.

Comparison Table

Feature Elliptical Machines Treadmills
Resistance and Incline Levels Adjustable Adjustable
Impact on Joints Low-impact High-impact
Calorie Burn Effective, but lower compared to treadmills High
Upper Body Engagement Yes Minimal
Variety of Workouts Good Good

Note: This table only highlights a few key features. There may be additional features and differences between specific models and brands.

Which is Better – Elliptical Vs Treadmill for Fat Loss?

When it comes to choosing between an elliptical machine and a treadmill for fat loss, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer. Both machines offer their own unique benefits and considerations.

If you’re looking for a low-impact workout that engages multiple muscle groups and offers customizable options, an elliptical machine may be the better choice. Ellipticals are also suitable for individuals with joint issues or those who prefer a gentler workout.

On the other hand, if you’re seeking a more intense workout that allows for higher calorie burn and interval training, a treadmill might be the better option. Treadmills offer the opportunity for running and sprinting, which can be more effective for fat loss. However, individuals with joint problems or injuries should consider the higher impact on joints when using a treadmill.

Ultimately, the best choice between an elliptical machine and a treadmill for fat loss depends on your personal preferences, fitness goals, and any existing joint issues. It’s also important to consider factors such as user experience, price, and available space in your home or gym.

Reasons to Choose Elliptical Machines:

  • Low-impact workout that is gentle on joints
  • Engages multiple muscle groups for a full-body workout
  • Customizable options with adjustable resistance and incline levels

Reasons to Choose Treadmills:

  • Higher calorie burn, especially with running or sprinting
  • Opportunity for interval training and higher intensity workouts
  • Versatility in speed and incline options for varied workouts

Frequently Asked Questions

In this section, we will address some common questions related to the comparison between elliptical machines and treadmills for fat loss. These machines are popular choices for cardiovascular workouts, but understanding their differences in terms of fat-burning potential is essential for making an informed decision.

1. Which machine is better for fat loss, elliptical or treadmill?

Both elliptical machines and treadmills can contribute to fat loss, but the effectiveness may vary depending on individual preferences and goals. The elliptical machine provides a low-impact workout that is gentle on the joints while still allowing for intense calorie burning. On the other hand, treadmills offer a higher impact workout that engages more muscle groups, resulting in greater overall calorie expenditure. Ultimately, the machine that is better for fat loss depends on personal preferences and physical condition.

If you have joint issues or are looking for a more gentle workout, the elliptical machine may be a better choice. If you prefer a higher intensity workout that engages multiple muscle groups, the treadmill may be more suitable. It’s important to find a machine that you enjoy using and can stick to for consistent fat loss results.

2. Can the elliptical machine help me burn belly fat?

The elliptical machine can be an effective tool for burning belly fat, but it’s important to remember that spot reduction is not possible. Engaging in regular cardiovascular exercise, such as using the elliptical machine, can help to reduce overall body fat, including the abdominal area. However, fat loss occurs throughout the whole body and cannot be targeted to specific areas.

Consistency, intensity, and a balanced diet are key factors in achieving fat loss, including reducing belly fat. Using the elliptical machine regularly, combined with a healthy diet and other targeted exercises such as strength training, can contribute to a reduction in belly fat over time.

3. Is running on a treadmill more effective for fat loss than using an elliptical?

Running on a treadmill can be more effective for fat loss compared to using an elliptical machine because it typically requires more energy expenditure. Running engages multiple muscle groups and raises the heart rate, resulting in a higher calorie burn. However, this does not mean that using an elliptical machine is ineffective.

The elliptical machine offers a low-impact workout that is gentler on the joints, making it suitable for those with joint issues. It also provides a full-body workout and can be adjusted to increase the intensity. Ultimately, the effectiveness of fat loss depends on the individual’s effort, duration, and intensity of the workout.

4. How long should I use the elliptical machine or treadmill to see noticeable fat loss results?

The duration and consistency of your workouts are key factors in achieving noticeable fat loss results. It is recommended to aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio exercise, such as using the elliptical machine or treadmill, per week. This can be divided into 30-minute sessions, five days a week.

Remember that everyone’s body is unique and results may vary. It’s important to find a workout routine that is sustainable for you in the long term and to combine it with a balanced diet for optimal fat loss results.

5. Can I use both the elliptical machine and treadmill in my fat loss journey?

Absolutely! Incorporating both the elliptical machine and treadmill into your fat loss journey can provide a well-rounded approach to cardio exercise. The elliptical machine offers a low-impact option for days when you want a gentler workout or have joint issues. The treadmill, on the other hand, can provide a higher intensity option for days when you want to push yourself.

By alternating between the two machines and varying the intensity and duration of your workouts, you can keep your routine interesting and challenge different muscle groups. Remember to listen to your body and gradually increase the intensity and duration to avoid overexertion or injury.

Treadmill Vs Elliptical: Which is Best for Weight Loss?

To conclude, both the elliptical and treadmill can be effective tools for fat loss.

The elliptical offers a low-impact workout that is gentle on the joints, making it an excellent choice for individuals with joint pain or injuries. It provides a full-body workout, engaging both the upper and lower body muscles. The treadmill, on the other hand, provides a higher-impact workout that can help build bone density and improve running performance. It primarily targets the lower body muscles.

The choice between the elliptical and the treadmill ultimately depends on personal preference, fitness level, and specific goals. If fat loss is the primary objective, both machines can be equally effective when used correctly and combined with a balanced diet. It’s important to focus on consistency, intensity, and progressive overload to maximize fat loss results. Consulting with a fitness professional can also provide valuable guidance to tailor a workout routine that suits individual needs and preferences.

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